Promoting financial and digital literacy
among fisherman community in Gujarat
Indian School of Micro Finance for Women (ISMW) will impart Financial Literacy Trainings and conduct campaigns and hand holding support to FISHERMAN COMMUNITY, WOMEN AND YOUTH OF VALSAD DISTRICT of Gujarat state. The purpose of this project is to make members of proposed households financially capable and to enable them to take informed financial decisions by changing their financial behaviour, building their knowledge on financial products, services and to make proper use of these services to become “Financially Secured” to build their Assets and Wealth. Apart from imparting basic financial literacy trainings, focus will be given on importance of long-term planning and role of investment in future wealth creation.
- Project Area: Fishing Villages of Valsad District of Gujarat. Total direct coverage under project will be 5500 women and adult youth of the fisherman households. Indirect coverage will be 10000 women.
- Project Interventions:
- Setting up of FL training facility
- Mass Awareness Campaigns on Financial and Digital Literacy
- Financial Inclusion (Linkages) Camps
- Entrepreneurship Skill Development training to Youth
- Handholding support for availing social security schemes, bank operations and Grievance redressal.
- Financial Counselling for financial decision making, understanding of financial products (Savings, credit, Insurance, Pension and Investments) and removal of inhabitation of bank depositors.